Association strategy Through the association, we seek to achieve the enhancement of nursing capabilities in the professional and research field, including educational, to keep pace with the standards and regulations stipulated and in force locally and internationally, in a manner that does not contradict the values and customs of society.
readmoreassociation vision To be an effective and influential voice for Saudi nursing, which contributes to raising the efficiency and quality of services provided to society and a leading reference in the field of nursing.
readmoreassociation Message Achieving the highest level of effective communication with the members of the nursing profession locally and internationally and building professional communication channels that aim to raise the efficiency and availability of the services provided and thus create an attractive environment for the nursing profession.
readmoreassociation goals The development of strategic partnerships at the local and global levels and mutual cooperation with the relevant authorities to reach the general goal of establishing the association.
(العربية) يسرنا مشاركة تقرير المؤتمر السنوي الثاني للجمعية السعودية للتمريض، الذي تضمن أبرز التوصيات لتعزيز التميز المهني في التمريض وتحسين جودة الرعاية الصحية
The Second Annual International Conference of the Saudi Nurses Association
(العربية) تعلن الجمعية السعودية للتمريض المهني عن فتح باب الترشح لـ (ممثل طلبة التمريض في الجمعية السعودية للتمريض)
With your support, your home will have a great deal.
#saudi nurses association