Academician, Senior Researcher, Editor in Chief of Saudi critical Care Journal. Assistant Professor affiliated with Wollongong University, Australia .Research center Director and Chairman of Institutional Review Board, Almoosa Medical Group
download CVnurse consultant clinician specialized in palliative care nursing. serves in multiple Institutional Review Board as a member as well as IRB Co-Chair previously Master and PHD in nursing, Dr Babgi has experience and education in nursing for over 22 years.
download CVNursing Professor and Consultant - King Saud University One of the founders of the Saudi Nurses Association The first Saudi professor of nursing Former Chairman of the Scientific Council of Nursing Formerly Dean of the College of Nursing - King Saud University
download CVA member of the faculty of the Department of Public Health - King Abdulaziz University, an honorary member of the World Association of Nursing, the first Saudi woman to represent the Kingdom in the work of the National Association for the Accreditation of Nursing Education Programs in the World in the United States ,Served in more than 35 main committees at the University for Quality and Development. Human Medicine - Northern Borders
download CVA Saudi Nurse Educator and a researcher – King Saud University A Saudi Nurse Educator and a researcher. Interested in nursing education research, qualitative research, and teaching young nurses how to conduct a scientific rigours research.
download CVmember at the Saudi commission Board of Nursing and chairing the oncology nursing program scientific committee. Saudi nurse practitioner with over twenty years experience in nursing two Master degrees (MSN and Master of Health Service Administration), two graduate certificates in education and administration and one PhD.
download CVAssistant Professor of Internal Surgical Nursing, Vice Deans of Nursing Committee and Member of the Professional Council for Nurses at the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. PhD in Nursing from Queensland University of Technology, Australia Former lecturer at Queensland University of Technology in Queensland and Institute of Health
download CVDean of Taif University - College of applied medical sciences Disasters and Emergency management Expert. PhD in Emergency Nursing from Monash University Experienced clinical and academic leader and assistant professor with a strong background in higher education
download CVDirector, Science and Technology Unit (STU). Deputy, Chairman of Research Office, KAIMRC. Research Scientist, KAIMRC. A/Professor, KSAU-HS doctoral degree in Health Science from the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation
download CVAssistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Advisor in King Abdulaziz University Agency for Educational Affairs PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowship - Case Western University, USA American Kangaroo Care License Member of several committees for developing and classifying educational curricula
download CVLecturer at the College of Nursing - King Saud University Department of Nursing Administration and Education
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